Fundamental Information :- Peace Revolution Program for Youth
Fundamental Information of Peace Revolution Program for Youth. It is the interesting questions about meditation. Meditation lovers don't miss them!!
Openness to Criticism # 1
The person with openness to criticism refers to someone who learns easily and is gentle in response to teaching
Humility # 2
We need to associate those who can point out our delusions on a regular basis. Such friends could help us to assess what we do and show our weaknesses
Dhamma Practice
Dried sandal wood is still fragrant, squeezed sugar cane is still sweet, refined salt is still salty, but a wise man, even in crisis, still practices Dhamma
Cherishing our Parents # 2
Because we owe an overwhelming debt of gratitude to our parents, we must repay the debt of gratitude firstly by appreciating our parents
Blameless work # 1
Just because a factory can make a large amount of things, it does not mean that it is a good factory
Raising our Children # 1
“A tree which bears bad fruit will be cut down; no one will want to save it. On the other hand, if the fruit tastes sweet and delicious,
Code of Good Conduct #2
Precepts refer to the regularity and normality of what humans should do. They are the basic disciplines in the Dhamma and distinguish humans from animals
Skilled Speech
Speaking skillfully refers to giving full consideration prior to our speaking. In is important to say anything that makes others feel good and creates positive reactions.
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering # 2
The Lord Buddha taught that the extent of craving in the minds of living beings is so great as to be beyond words